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Vercel for Backends



cargo install cargo-shuttle


❯ cargo shuttle init
What do you want to name your project?
It will be hosted at ${project_name}, so choose something unique!
✔ Project name · nash1111-sample

Where should we create this project?
✔ Directory · /home/nash1111/engagement/nash1111-sample


What type of project template would you like to start from?
❯ A Hello World app in a supported framework
  Browse our full library of templates

# A Hello World app in a supported framework
# を選んだ場合

? Select template ›
❯ Actix Web - Powerful and fast web framework
  Axum - Modular web framework from the Tokio ecosystem
  Bevy - Data driven game engine that compiles to WASM
  Loco - Batteries included web framework based on Axum
  Poem - Full-featured and easy-to-use web framework
  Poise - Discord Bot framework with good slash command support
  Rocket - Simple and easy-to-use web framework
  Salvo - Full-featured and easy-to-use web framework
  Serenity - Discord Bot framework
  Thruster - Web framework
  Tide - Web framework
  Tower - Modular service library
  Warp - Web framework
  No framework - An empty implementation of the Shuttle Service trait

# Browse our full library of templates
# を選んだ場合
? Select template › [Page 1/2] 
❯ Clerk authentication - Fullstack Rust+React with auth provider logic (clerk)
  Cookie Authentication - Use JWT to authenticate API endpoints (actix-web)
  Custom Tracing Subscriber - How to use a custom tracing-subscriber on Shuttle (actix-web)
  File server - Hello World page that serves static HTML and JS files (actix-web)
  File server - Hello World static file server with tower-http (axum)
  File server - Hello World page that serves static HTML files (rocket)
  Fullstack SaaS - Opinionated fullstack web app with pre-made routes and assets (nextjs)
  HTMX - Simple CRUD app using HTMX and Askama (htmx)
  Handlebars dynamic templates - HTML templating with Handlebars (rocket)
  Image Rescaler - Use the image library to rescale the Shuttle logo (salvo)
  JWT authentication - Use JWT to authenticate API endpoints (axum)
  JWT authentication - Use JWT to authenticate API endpoints (rocket)
  MongoDB - Todo list with a MongoDB database (mongodb)
  OAuth authentication - Use Google OAuth to authenticate API endpoints (axum)
? Select template › [Page 2/2] 
❯ OpenDAL in-memory store - A key-value store using OpenDAL (opendal)
  Postgres - Todo list with a Postgres database (postgres)
  Postgres - Todo list with a Postgres database (postgres)
  Postgres - Todo list with a Postgres database (postgres)
  Postgres - Todo list Discord bot with a Postgres database (serenity)
  Qdrant - Connecting to Qdrant cloud with shuttle-qdrant (qdrant)
  Request Scheduler - Schedule requests with a cron schedule (axum)
  Shuttle custom Cron service - Schedule tasks on a cron schedule with apalis (axum)
  Turso - Connect to a Turso DB with shuttle-turso (turso)
  URL shortener - Save long URLs behind a short one, with Postgres storage (rocket)
  Weather Bot - Weather forecast Discord bot using the Accuweather API (serenity)
  Websockets - Health monitoring service using websockets (axum)
  Websockets Actorless - Health monitoring service using websockets (actix-web)


❯ A Hello World app in a supported framework
  Browse our full library of templates

✔ Select template · Axum - Modular web framework from the Tokio ecosystem

Creating project "nash1111-sample" in "/home/nash1111/engagement/nash1111-sample"

✔ Claim the project name "nash1111-sample" by starting a project container on Shuttle? · yes

Project "nash1111-sample" is ready
Your project will sleep if it is idle for 30 minutes.
To change the idle time refer to the docs:

Run `cargo shuttle deploy --allow-dirty` to deploy your Shuttle service.
You can `cd` to the directory, then:
Run `cargo shuttle run` to run the app locally.


❯ cargo shuttle run
❯ curl localhost:8000
Hello, world!


❯ cargo shuttle deploy --allow-dirty
2024-06-26T14:15:59.805+09:00 [Deployer]  INFO shuttle_deployer::deployment::run: Runtime started successully
No resources are linked to this service

Service Name:  nash1111-sample
Deployment ID: 500aafd6-345f-4981-b08e-08a40cd284e4
Status:        running
Last Updated:  2024-06-26T05:15:59Z

❯ curl
Hello, world!


❯ cargo shuttle project delete --name nash1111-sample
    Are you sure you want to delete "nash1111-sample"?
    This will...
    - Delete any databases, secrets, and shuttle-persist data in this project.
    - Delete any custom domains linked to this project.
    - Release the project name from your account.
    This action is permanent.


  • init時に豊富なテンプレートから選べて楽しい
  • shared dbの記述だけでDBの設定が可能
    • ローカル起動の時はlocalhostを見に行く等の設定も可能
  • DBが1GB無料でついてくる
  • shuttleのブログで開発に関するポストや、面白い応用方法を確認できる
  • cronがある